Energize Colleges hosts "train the trainer" workshops to infuse energy and sustainability into higher education.
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Training Recordings and Resources
Below are examples of trainings that might inspire and empower similar trainings at your institution or in your region. Please email us at [email protected] for more information or to request support on organizing a faculty training.
Building the California Energy Efficiency and Demand Management Workforce:
Industry and Faculty Forum Recommended for: Faculty members of current or emerging energy higher education programs, energy industry members (including managers, leaders, and HR staff statewide) Presenters: Daniel Soto, Sonoma State University Jonathan Cronan, San Jose City College Greg Wikler, California Efficiency Demand Management Council Serj Berelson, California Efficiency Demand Management Council This interactive forum was designed for the energy industry and higher education faculty to share information about Energy Efficiency and Demand Management workforce needs and training programs. The interactive, online format was designed to develop ongoing collaborative relationships to ensure a highly qualified pipeline of applicants into energy careers. |
Energy Efficiency Work in the Time of COVID-19
Recommended for: Emerging professionals (in early stages of their career) Presenter: Patsy Dugger, Director at Alternative Energy Systems Consulting (AESC) In this presentation, hear from industry experts on the main trends and types of projects that will be relevant during the current pandemic and soon after. Come ready with questions about Energy Efficiency careers and the current opportunities and challenges as well as particular skills you can hone and develop even amidst shutdowns. |
Secondary Education Energy and Climate Trainings
Recommended for: Pre-service teachers and faculty Presenters: Jessica Redden, Strategic Energy Innovations (SEI) & Petrut Ababei, SEI Celebrate Earth Day this year by joining SEI experts for a no-cost, project-based training that will prepare you to bring climate science, energy auditing, and career skills curriculum to your classroom. This training focuses on a series of hands-on (remote) activities so you are prepared to teach your students about climate science, energy systems and energy auditing - a career skills activity. All curriculum used in the demos will be provided to you for adaptation and use in your own instruction. MEET THE PRESENTERS
Jessica Redden is an Associate Project Coordinator at SEI. She has a background in zero waste and local government. Jessica supports K-12 sustainability and zero waste education programming at SEI. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley.
Petrut Ababei is a Project Coordinator at SEI. Petrut has a background in engineering, education, and architecture. Petrut assists with K-12 sustainability education at SEI and provides support for workforce development programs. Petrut has a Bachelor of Science in Political Science from Arizona State University and a Master of Science in Resource Efficiency in Architecture and Planning from HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Germany. |
The Future of Energy Training
Recommended for: College students, faculty and emerging professionals Presenters: Dr Jose Torre-Bueno, Center for Community Energy; Lane Sharman, San Diego Energy District; Liz Fitzpatrick, SEI; Emily Usaha, SEI Learn about the opportunities and jobs arising from San Diego’s transition to 100% renewable energy! |
Energize Colleges: Campus as a Living Lab Train the Trainer Webinar
Watch our Train the Trainer Webinar focusing on Campus as a Living Lab. Learn about the variety of Campus a Living Lab models at colleges and universities and hear from a team of experts implementing student project-based learning on energy efficiency and buildings.
Infusing Sustainability Into Curricula
Dr. Mark Stemen from CSU Chico worked with the group to brainstorm how broad sustainability Student Learning Outcomes can be infused into any course, from math to Mandarin. The participants applied this creativity to an analysis of their own course offerings, considering and planning for strategies to bring sustainability knowledge and career awareness into each course, and connect to the sustainability CTE and transfer program available at College of Marin. |
Integrating Sustainability and Climate Change Adaptations into Your Curriculum
In January 2018, Butte College hosted a Faculty Train the Trainer event that brought together faculty from a wide range of academic departments. The participants focused on integrating sustainability and climate change adaptation into existing curricula, looking in-depth at proposed sustainability minor and major degree program frameworks. Participants used their own curriculum to brainstorm ways to make energy, sustainability, and climate change part of their course work in a relevant and applied manner. Dr. Mark Stemen from CSU Chico worked with the group to provide a case study of his own experience using CalAdapt tools in his Geography courses, a project which supports local policy improvements at the City and County level. He encouraged faculty to engage students around issues that will influence their lives and identities in the coming decades, and the opportunity to provide skills and tools to build their community's climate resilience. |